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dissolved organic carbon中文是什么意思

用"dissolved organic carbon"造句"dissolved organic carbon"怎么读"dissolved organic carbon" in a sentence


  • 可溶性有机碳
  • 溶解有机碳


  • Effects of caco3 and gypsum on leaching of phosphorus and dissolved organic carbon in soil
  • Doc " water quality . evaluation in an aqueous medium of the " ultimate " aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds . method by analysis of dissolved organic carbon . "
  • The content of dissolved organic carbon ( doc ) in zhujiang river only reached the lowest value standard only in the tropical - subtropical zone
  • Doc water quality - evaluation in an aqueous medium of the ' ultimate ' aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds - method by analysis of dissolved organic carbon
  • Water quality - evaluation in an aqueous medium of the " ultimate " aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds - method by analysis of dissolved organic carbon iso 7827 : 1994 ; german version en iso 7827 : 1995
  • Soil enzyme activities were analyzed in forest , bush , badlands and zanthoxylum bungeanum forest , the content of dissolved organic carbon also increased with the community of plant evolved from superior to inferior , and ceo - environment was declined by planting zanthoxylum bungeanum
用"dissolved organic carbon"造句  


Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is a broad classification for organic molecules of varied origin and composition within aquatic systems. The "dissolved" fraction of organic carbon is an operational classification.
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